White Ribbon NI

Together we pledge to never commit, condone or remain silent about male violence against women
White Ribbon is a global movement to end male violence against women. It was formed in 1991 by a group of male students in Canada in response to the brutal massacre of 14 female students. It’s goal is to send out the message that violence against women in all its forms is unacceptable.
White Ribbon has been championed by Women’s Aid ABCLN in Northern Ireland since 2007, encouraging groups and individuals to take action by signing the White Ribbon Charter, wearing the White Ribbon pin and making their personal pledge to never commit condone or remain silent about violence against women and girls.
Over forty organisations have signed the White Ribbon Charter to date, every signature representing a personal pledge to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women.
In 2021 the time had come to take the campaign to the next level, and a new organisation White Ribbon NI has been launched to challenge attitudes and beliefs that lead to male violence against women.
White Ribbon is a simple message, it is a personal pledge and our voice is strengthened by ALL who choose to make it.
White Ribbon NI seeks to end violence against women and girls in all its forms. Together we are empowering business leaders, employers and workforces, community organisations, schools and churches to take a stand.
White Ribbon NI helps organisations to develop a Listen, Learn, Lead Action Plan which clearly sets out the criteria an organisation must meet to successfully achieve accreditation.
Organisations seeking White Ribbon NI accreditation are required to develop a three-year action plan, reviewed annually, which offers achievable goals to bring about genuine change.
For more information YOU CAN go to www.whiteribbonni.org