Walk A Mile

​Take Big Steps To End Violence Against Women and Girls
Take part our Steps Challenge for Women’s Aid ABCLN
You can
Walk A Mile per day
Walk 10,000 Steps per day
Walk 15,000 Steps per day​​​​
Watch our Walk A Mile video
​​​​​​​​​Unfortunately Christmas isn’t always a 'magical' time of the year in every home.
This January, we want you to ‘Walk A Mile in her shoes’ - walk one mile per day, walk 10,000 steps per day or challenge yourself to walk up to 15,000 steps per day to help support women who have experienced domestic abuse.
Being in a confined and stressful space over the festive period can be a difficult and dreaded time for women living with domestic abuse. Many women won’t leave their abusive partner at Christmas so as not to cause disruption to children.​
​On Christmas Day last year over 100 incidents of domestic abuse were reported to the police across Northern Ireland. In 90% of incidents we know children are in the same or adjacent room when violence happens. For every incident the impact on women and children living with domestic abuse can be devastating.
Many women won’t leave their abusive partner at Christmas so as not to cause disruption to children.
By raising funds for Women’s Aid ABCLN you will help us support women who have spent Christmas with their children in refuge accommodation or who will seek emergency accommodation in the New Year.
​Take Big Steps To End Violence Against Women & Girls
Let’s start 2025 by stepping out together for women everywhere and work to end domestic abuse. You can get your steps in anytime, anywhere. It is a great chance to involve your family and friends too. Whether you are walking to school, hitting a weekend hike or taking a lunchtime stroll - every step counts. ​
How do I track my steps?
You can use whatever method you prefer - your phone, watch, fitness tracker. We will send you a progress tracker or you can share your progress on Strava.
Is there a minimum amount I need to raise?
We’ll automatically set you a £100 target but there’s no minimum.
How do I fundraise?
Our online registration will set you up with an online fundraising page. You can add this link to your social media or send via WhatsApp or email. Offline, you can ask friends and family for donations using a sponsorship form.
Take part in our Steps Challenge for Women’s Aid ABCLN.
To find out more and register YOU CAN go to Women's Aid ABCLN: Walk A Mile - Steps Challenge
Better Days
Music by: bensound.com
License code: 2YO9S07KDKUI0PNU