Older But No Safer

Older But No Safer works to increase awareness about domestic abuse and provide greater protection for women aged 55 and over.
Older women may have been living with domestic abuse all their adult lives, in silence and invisible, or it can start in later years.
This project equips communities to recognise that domestic abuse affects older women and respond by supporting individuals to access appropriate services and support.
Older women tell us that they may be older but they are no safer and they want others to know it’s never too late to get help. We know domestic abuse affecting older women is under-researched, under-reported and under-recorded.
An increased understanding and awareness about domestic abuse can provide much needed protection for older women. ​PSNI statistic show 1 in 10 older people who report domestic or sexual abuse in Northern Ireland are over the age of 55.
Last year, police recorded 5,423 crimes from older people over the age of 55 related to domestic and sexual abuse. This makes up approximately 10% of all domestic and sexual reported crimes. On average, older victims experience abuse for twice as long before seeking help as those aged under 61 and nearly half have a disability.
Read more here: www.psni.police.uk/latest-news/1-10-older-people-who-report-domestic-or-sexual-abuse-northern-ireland-are-over-age-55
Domestic Abuse Specialists for Older Women
Domestic Abuse Specialists provide one to one therapeutic and emotional support, group work and courses specifically for older women. These include Journey to Freedom and Reconnect groups where women can meet with other women and share experiences in a safe and supportive setting.
Read: Older But No Safer Postcard
This project is funded by The National Lottery Community Fund Northern Ireland.
If you are affected by domestic abuse YOU CAN call Women’s Aid ABCLN on 028 25 632136. In an emergency always call 999.