Family First

Family First for Children
Family First provides an early intervention approach to address the devastating impact of domestic abuse for women and children.
Family Support Domestic Abuse Specialists work with mums and children in the family home and in refuge providing intensive one-to-one family support, hands-on practical assistance and group work. We support women to reduce risk and increase safety, strengthen family relationships, improve mental health and well-being and address the devastating impact of domestic abuse.
Domestic Abuse Specialists work with mum to identify her strengths and build on these, focusing on children’s safety and well-being.
We work together with mums to develop a family support plan focusing on safety planning and protection measures, safeguarding, positive-parenting, healthy-eating, sleep routines, family activities and play.
We support mums to understand the cycle of violence and recognise the impact domestic abuse has on their children.
We provide one-to-one therapeutic support for children enabling them to cope with the trauma they have experienced. We provide a safe and nurturing environment for children to talk about their experiences and explore their thoughts and feelings, where they will be listened to, their voice will be heard and they will be believed.
Through one-to-one support, Domestic Abuse Specialists enable children to explore issues including:
Understanding domestic abuse
Safety planning and support networks
Impact of family breakdown
Healthy and unhealthy relationships
Confidence and self-esteem
Anxiety and stress
Positive mental health and well-being;
Managing emotions and resilience
Strategies to cope with trauma
"Family First offers children an opportunity to restore hope and begin the healing process."
Domestic Abuse Specialists will advocate for and with women and children, working towards a positive outcome, helping mums to be the best parent they can be and supporting families to recover from the impact of domestic abuse.
Quotes from children
When he starts shouting I hold my sister’s hand to make us feel better
I can’t close my eyes because I see bad things
I don’t think anyone believes me, but I know the truth
It is my job to protect everyone if dad comes back
When the fighting happened it was always my job to call 999 for mum
Even though daddy’s left now I can still hear the fighting in my head
We are always worried about mum getting hurt
I find it hard to talk to anyone as I didn’t ever feel safe
I struggled to control my anger