Become A Safe Place
Safe Place
Women’s Aid ABCLN established Onus in 2007 as a social enterprise to provide specialist training and consultancy services on domestic abuse. The Safe Place initiative was launched in 2011 and since then over 1,700 organisations here Northern Ireland and across UK & Ireland, have registered as a Safe Place.
What is Safe Place?
Safe Place is a simple and effective initiative for any organisation to become ‘Safe Place’ for ANYONE affected by domestic abuse where they can confidentially access information on services and support available for them.
Become A Safe Place
Join us, become a  Safe Place and help us raise awareness about domestic abuse and the range of support services available.
Support the pledge to never commit, condone or remain silent about domestic abuse.
Acknowledge domestic abuse is a problem that impacts on all of us as a society, and be prepared to play your part in supporting those affected and sending a clear message to perpetrators that domestic abuse is intolerable
Provide a Safe Place for  ANYONE  affected by domestic abuse to confidentially access information
To become a Safe Place YOU CAN simply register to take part in Women's Aid ABCLN's Safe Place training.
Sessions can be delivered in-person or on-line (90 minutes) for individual organisations or groups.
Following the training you will receive Safe Place resources and a logo to display in your premises, indicating that your organisation is Safe Place where ANYONE affected by domestic abuse can access information about support available.
Click here to register for your Safe Place Webinar
​Thursday 28th November 2024 2pm - 4pm
For more information about how your organisation can become a Safe Place you can call 028 25 632136 or simply email
Safe School
Safe School empowers schools to recognise and respond to domestic abuse.
As a Safe Place Partner with Onus, Women’s Aid ABCLN delivers Safe School training and encourages schools across Antrim, Ballymena, Carrickfergus, Larne and Newtownabbey to become a Safe School.
Antrim Grammar was presented with a Safe School Award demonstrating the school’s commitment to never commit, condone or stay silent about domestic abuse. The initiative has enabled the school to raise awareness and equip teachers to recognise and respond to domestic abuse.
For more information and to register to become a Safe School you can call Women's Aid ABCLN on 028 25 632136 or email
Safe Church
The Safe Church initiative was developed by Onus to empower churches to recognise and respond to domestic abuse within the church and in the wider community.
To achieve the Safe Church Award churches can attend two tiers of CPR certified training aimed at the clergy and those with responsibility for safeguarding within the church.
For more information about how you can become a Safe Church call Onus on 028 25 689450 or simply email